The Right Attitude of Staying With Your Dreams




Many people have not learnt the right attitude of staying with the thoughts of their dream. Whenever they remember their dreams, they only end up thinking about the negative things that has been limiting them. They think about the money and the other resources they do not have to accomplish that dream. They think about the people or the connections they do not have to accomplish that dream. They only think about the negative circumstances that are starring at their face.

These negative thoughts stir up negative feelings of limitations and inabilities, which end up stirring more negative emotions like sadness, helplessness, powerlessness, unworthiness, doubt, despair, worry, anger, hatred, bitterness, jealousy, envy, irritation, depression, disappointment, discouragement, frustration, etc. These negative emotions will thereby work together to pull and attract more occurrences and experiences that will keep them swimming in those negative emotions.

When you remain on negative thoughts of things limiting you, you continue to supply more fuel to strengthen the active negative energy. The more you strengthen the active negative energy, the more you create or attract occurrences that are more negative. It is like sinking deeper into the same mess. It will require more effort to come out, and even a longer time to come out of the mess.

The right attitude of staying with the thoughts of your dream is simply fantasizing the manifestation or the actualization of those dreams. Seeing yourself living in the manifested reality of that dream, and evoking the positive feelings and emotions that you will naturally express if that dream becomes a reality.


Stay with the thoughts of your dreams. Look away from your current situations and limitations. Close your eyes and look away from where you are at the moment and see the manifested reality of that dream. Whenever you pick up your dream book to read and remind yourself of that dream, you only fantasize the manifestation and the actualization of that dream.

Stay with the thoughts of your dreams. Make those thoughts of your dreams you friends. Let them be your companion everywhere you go. Take out some time from your busy schedules and reminisce on the manifested realities of your dreams. This will make you generate your desired active energy, which will engage all the forces and powers of Nature to work together to deliver it into your hands.

Stay with those thoughts of your dreams until they become your physical realities and experiences. Understand that all those things you desire have always been yours. They are already available to you and will always be available for your possession. You just need to align your thought body, your emotion body, and your energy body to those realities you want to manifest and you will manifest them.

Continue to stay with those thoughts of your dreams. Let those thoughts of your dream saturate and inundate your mind. If you can maintain this high frequency of staying with the thoughts of your dreams, nothing can stop the physical manifestation.


Changing Your Realities With Your Thoughts


  1. “The right attitude of staying with the thoughts of your dream is simply fantasizing the manifestation or the actualization of those dreams. Seeing yourself living in the manifested reality of that dream, and evoking the positive feelings and emotions that you will naturally express if that dream becomes a reality.”
    Thanks for sharing..

    Liked by 1 person

  2. “When you remain on negative thoughts of things limiting you, you continue to supply more fuel to strengthen the active negative energy. The more you strengthen the active negative energy, the more you create or attract occurrences that are more negative. It is like sinking deeper into the same mess. It will require more effort to come out, and even a longer time to come out of the mess.”
    Nice one…

    Liked by 1 person

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